Kinesiology Remote Session
A wonderful blissful experience!
Melinda's first words at the very start were that my sacral chakra came up as needing attention. I knew I had issues regarding this chakra but didn't tell her that specifically.
I am also an intuitive energy practitioner, but it is difficult to work on ourselves, as we tend to be too attached or the things that need clearing might be distorting our view of what needs clearing! A "catch-22" of sorts. I trusted Melinda to be in tune and thorough already but this was an immediate BINGO, right on point!
She addressed my concerns I had asked her to look at, and beyond those, with attending recommended (& very specific) affirmations along the way. I also adored the fact that she included specific moments and places of Reiki as part of the session.
I have much confidence that this session will have continuous results as time unfolds. Thank you, Melinda! Highly recommended for any issue whether physical or emotional or anything in between.